Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We Become Our Parents

Kids have a hole in their soul in the shape of their dad...One of my favorite artists, Stromae, released a beautiful song and music video earlier this year. His lyrics have always spoken to me, but I find the song below incredibly moving. And the video tells such a touching, sad story.

And it got me thinking about all of the kids growing up with working parents, or absent parents.
Parents who don't live, they only exist. Parents who never have the time to get involved in their kids' lives because they are too busy at work.

What is this doing to us humans, to our planet? What kind of people will these children grow up to be?

In a society where money, work and material things seem to become more and more important, have we forgotten the real things in life? All the things that really matter? A smile from a stranger, kind gestures, children laughing, the love of family and friends.

And the human race, at least in the Western world, seem to be more and more detached from nature. When was the last time you laid down in the grass, or walked through the forest far away from civilization?
Looking at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, it strikes me that the third level, Love/Belonging, is shrinking, and even disappearing in today's society. Media keeps telling us that we need material things, we need self-realization, we need to focus on ourselves and make it to the top. Kindness, generosity and helping others are seen as signs of weakness. However did we come to this?

Is having a six-figure salary, a fancy car and designer handbag more important than reaching out a hand to help someone who is struggling? Is stepping over others in order to make a name for yourself okay? Would the kids prefer more time with mom and dad, instead of expensive clothing?
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramide

Studies show that we become our parents, we become what we learn.
So what are you teaching your children?
Take a good look at your own life. Is this honestly what you want for your children?

'Papaotai' by Belgian artist Stromae.


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